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Jikke van Loon

This project is by initiative of artist Jikke van Loon, visual artist based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
She regularly visited the temple guardians in the Rijksmuseum of Amsterdam and in 2018 she decided to help them ‘go back home’.
+31 6 53 42 38 31

Niōmon Foundation / Ippan Shadan Hōjin NIOMON

In 2021 both the Niōmon Foundation (Stichting Niōmon) and Ippan Shadan Hōjin NIOMON Yokota were established to help the guards return to their former home, the Niomon on the Iwayaji Mountain.
Both Dutch and Japanese organisations facilitate and organise everything that’s been brought in motion by bringing the guards home.

Board members Niōmon Foundation (NL):

Chair: Radboud Molijn, 
  Managing Director Global Bridges BV
Secretary/Treasurer: Thijs Gerrits
Communication: Wakana Kaitani,
Member: Maaike Westinga,
  architect at TenBrasWestinga
Member: Maarten Meurkens,
  Director at Meurkens & Meurkens
Advisory Board: Naoko Nizawa
  Kana Nakamoto
Committee of Recommendation: Menno Fitski, Head Asian Department
  Emmy Verhey, violinist
Board members Ippan Shadan Hōjin NIOMON Yokota (JP)
Chair: Kawasaki Atsuko
Member: Radboud Molijn
In Japan, residents of Okuizumo Yokota have joint hands and provided an impressive building for AIR’s, debates and workshops (the Honmachi Kaikan). This serves both as a temporary House for the Blue Niozo and is a platform and festival location for the yearly NIO-Festival (since 2021).
Okutsumu: Uchida Sakiko
  Udagawa Takahiro
  Yuriko Matsuzaki
Katta House: Naoko Nizawa
Anewal Gallery,  
Kyoto: Iitaka Katsumasa
Kyoto Kenchiku Sano Haruhito
(College of Architecture):  
And of course: The Daltons!
This project is supported by
2024: Ailion Foundation
  Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, Tokyo
2019: Mondriaan Fonds
  Sakura Craypas
2018: Amsterdam Fonds voor de
  Ministerie van Buitenlandse
  Zaken, Tokyo
  Hitachi Data System
and YOU! > Thank you! 
Artists in Residence
2024: Myrthe van Loon
2022: Sachi Miyachi & Nina
  Onkruidenier (Jonmar van
  Vlijmen en Ronald de Boer)
2019: Kiriko Mechanicus
Stichting Niōmon Foundation (NL)
p/a Reggestraat 12
1078 CZ  Amsterdam 
IBAN: NL 25 TRIO 0320 2394 62
Niomon Foundation the Netherlands is registered as a Culturele Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI).
AIlion Foundation